Prior to Websummit we were busy; during the Websummit we were very busy; after the websummit... we are still busy. Different types of being busy, granted, but not less busy for that.
As we stated in our previous blogpost, we had clearly stated goals and expectations. Based on our experience with launching other projects we know that the more people you pitch your business model the clearer it becomes. Once you talk it over with some investors you realize you need to be way more specific and restrict it (at least initially) to those things it can do brilliantly. So, our initial preparations for Websummit were focused on those aspects of our app building platform that works really well, advantages that scores of customers thought of critical.

Websummit 2015 was frenetic place. Noisy, crowded, boisterous. At some point Guy Kennett even quipped that for a really young person going to such an event for the first time, Websummit can be construed as a test of focused attention.

Alphatech was part of Websummit startup Alpha program: a new arrival in the do-it-yourself mobile app building platform market that managed to get nigh on 50 app ordered already. We are not, of course Como or AppMachine, but on the basis of what we saw and the feedback we received, we are definitely aiming that high.
We did receive quite a lot of interest and we even got in touch with a couple of potential investors (let’s not jump ahead of us!) to help us jumpstart our app building platform to a fully automatized app building platform. Even prior to this Websummit, we had everything we needed with the exception of the servers.
Another really positive feedback was related to our White Label program: we are about to launch it in Ireland, UK, Belgium, Switzerland and Greece. Our Romanian partner is literally overwhelmed with the requests for builds coming from various market segments and queries about white label apps. Even if we currently build the apps ourselves on the basis of a feature checklist from customers, using our modular building blocks makes it very fast. We boasted - and demonstrated! - that we can build a custom native app in less than 2h!