Pushing the limits seems to come naturally to Lisa Anderson and Jamie Maitland, be it in fitness or business.
Opened in January 2015, CycleWard is Fort Lauderdale’s premier new indoor cycling studio that puts an innovative spin on cycling and reinvents exercise with a high-energy atmosphere and jam-packed schedule of classes that shape and inspire the mind, body and soul. Under the direction of co-founders’ Lisa Anderson and Jamie Maitland—avid health and fitness fanatics, cousins and native South Floridians—the 3,900 square-foot, state-of-the-art cycle studio aims to inspire its students with a consistent, positive mental attitude and help them to rediscover and achieve their ultimate potential, both physically and mentally.
The same kind of attitude and drive to be ahead of the curve drives their business thinking. How do you become close to your customers? Keep in touch with them? Make it easy for them to register to classes? Allow them to spread the word to their friends? Alphatech offered them a simple and efficient solution: a low cost app that does all that.
The app opens with a simple homepage: you can thumb through several images and you can open the menu from the top left corner. As you can see from the images below, we have kept the design in line with their website.

At the top of their app’s menu is one the core elements of our app architecture: the idea that satisfied customers make the best advertisers. Why spend money on ads when you can spend money on customer satisfaction and rely on customers for referring? Satisfied customers do it often without prompting, but CycleWard’s app goes further: using our Voucher feature they reward them with easily traceable vouchers. Also, by integrating our Loyalty feature into their app, Lisa and Jamie retain their customers by offering them incentives that are easy to understand and collect.

Do you want to know more about CycleWard? You don’t need to go the website; just open the About Us page on the app and you can get an idea. Do you want to know who are the people that drive CycleWard? Check the app for the Crew page and click on any photo for more information. Do you want to keep in touch via social media? Here are all the social media channels CycleWard maintains. Never been there and don’t want to get lost? Check for directions on their Places page for a zoom-able map.

Our apps are not magic. Our apps just make magic happen - your magic! Call us now and you can have your own app in no time!