Custom Formulas

Custom Formulas can be used for the following:

  • ChangeVisibility - needs to return boolean (true/false or 0/1)
  • ChangeSelectedIndex - needs to return integer and applies to RadioButton only for now
  • ChangeText - needs to return string
  • OpenURL - needs to return string

We support:

  • arithmetic operations - +, -, *, /, %
  • comparisons - ==, !=, >, <, >=, <=
  • conditionals including (ternary) operator - ? :

We support all Metadata fields. Metadata can be Formatted or not

'Your special price is: MetadataFormatted("PRODUCT.ITEMS.PRODUCT.PRICE")' will return 'Your special price is: 1,000.00'

'Your special price is: MetadataOriginal("PRODUCT.ITEMS.PRODUCT.PRICE")' will return 'Your special price is: 1000'

To access the unit, use Unit. Unit.Text will return the text for the unit.

For logged in user, use AuthenticatedUser.

  • AuthenticatedUser.Email - string
  • AuthenticatedUser.FirstName - string
  • AuthenticatedUser.LastName - string
  • AuthenticatedUser.FullName - string
  • AuthenticatedUser.ID - integer
  • AuthenticatedUser.Title
  • AuthenticatedUser.FlagIsMoving - this is a flag to specify if the user is moving or not
  • MetadataFormatted
  • MetadataOriginal
  • Unit
  • AuthenticatedUser

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