Share your precious moments by creating a Video Library through the free feature of AlphaApp platform. Create a Video Library and share it with the world of your choice, through the free feature of AlphaApp platform. This is possible now through your own app!
First of all, be sure to Log In. Click on the Video Library under All Pages, while in App pages in the menu.
If the page does not appear there, you have to click on Add Pages and select the Video Library page.
Save it by clicking the Add Pages button. Then go back to All Pages and select the Video Library in order to start adding info to it.
Now, take the time to add the specific info on all the fields on the PAGE DETAILS tab. Add the mandatory Page Name, and Page Title, as well as the Page Description and Page Icon. View all icons and choose the page’s icon. Click on the one you want to use and Save.
Choose the Active/Inactive Page Status.
Choose the page Visibility here as follow, Always Visible, Limited Visibility or Visible After Login.
Choose the Notification Settings. Here you can select or edit a template for emails. Also, here you can add the emails you want in this notification list.
Select the layout screen for your app page.
Add a background image.
If there are some files you want to link to this page, you can do it here, in Developer Options.
If you wish to delete this page from your app, you can do it by clicking Delete this Page.
Now, go to the VIDEO GALLERY tab on the menu and start to Add Video, one by one.
Entering the Video URL is mandatory. Right now it is possible to use only videos that has been uploaded on other platforms, but uploading your media directly from your phone will be possible in the near future. Our team is working on it right now.
Click on the Next button if you want to go to VIDEO DETAILS tab, or to Cancel if you don’t want to save the video uploaded.
You can choose to Replace the Thumbnail. Be sure to use the recommended size in order to be shown correctly on your app.
Manage Media, by changing the URL and edit the Title you want for your video.
Tagging your media is very important so Manage Tags by allowing the tags that came with your video (from previous platforms) or deleting them (by clicking on the x button on each tag), or adding new tags. For this, go to the Manage Tags button on the right and a new pop-up will appear.
Add the Tags you think are suitable for your media, or check the box if they are in the list opened there.
When you are done with adding the new tags don’t forget to Save them and go back to the page. If you don’t want to save them go ahead and click on the Cancel button.
If there are some files you want to link to this page, you can do it here, in Developer Options, (App Configuration File).
Click on the Next button if you want to go to ADDITIONAL INFO tab, or to Cancel if you don’t want to save the media uploaded.
Add Additional Information that is relevant for your video. The Author will be taken as it is from the previous platform, but you can edit the Date, the Short Description and the Long Description (which is mandatory).
Now is the time to Save the video that you linked. If there will be some mandatory info mission you need to go back and edit it by clicking the Previous button.
If you wish to delete this media from your app, you can do it by clicking Cancel.
Now you will come back to the main Photo Library page. Here you can either upload another media or save the page as it is, by clicking the Save Page blue button on the right.
You can sort the existing media by Newest/Oldest one, and you can also delete a video by clicking the small red square on the right. A pop-up will appear to confirm if you are sure you want to delete the file.
If there will be missing info, the page won’t be saved and the fields will appear in red. Please be sure to go back and complete them correctly and then save the page by clicking the Save Page button once more.
If you want to upload a new media file, later on, you need to open the Video Library page, go to the Media Gallery tab and click the Add Media button. Now, repeat the same process and don’t forget to Save Page at the end.
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