What your business is missing out on by not having a Mobile App blog post separator

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Mobile users (those using mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones) are surely taking over the consumer setting. Statistics show that more than 50% of mobile users check their smartphone right after waking up. This proves that mobile devices have become a huge part of our life, more like a daily routine we can’t live without if you will. Checking your phone isn’t optional, it’s a must-do daily, regular activity. This way mobile users are constantly connected, not only to their friends and work, but to all businesses that are present in their device through a mobile app.

Businesses need to be aware that mobile marketing strategies are essential to any company’s success. Therefore, by simply understanding what people are actually doing on their mobile devices, your company can find excellent opportunities to expand your customer base.

In the world of online marketing, it’s important to find every edge you can get which can give you an advantage over your competitors. If you haven’t yet understood the huge benefits an app can bring to your business, have a look at the great advantages many companies are already enjoying thanks to having their own app developed.

Use app popularity to your advantage

Surely you own a mobile, which means you are using it on daily basis. And, if you’re like most people, you use apps on a regular basis, too. In fact, according to Yahoo's Flurry analytics: "90 percent of consumer's mobile time is spent in apps." As they put it: "It’s an App World. The Web Just Lives in It." This is something all business owners need to understand and act according to what customers need and require.

The bottom line is, App usage (90% of time) dominates browsers in mobile usage.

A faster and better connection to your customers

Reduce the time it takes to communicate information with your customers by using a mobile app for your business. The time it takes your customers to launch a web-browser, enter in a URL and wait for the page to load can be way to long, therefore you might end up losing their attention to your competitors.

But, with a mobile app, you can significantly reduce the waiting and communication time with your customers, especially since most of the app’s functionality can be done offline. Additionally you can use the app to send your customers push-notifications in real-time, therefore again reducing the delay in communication with them.

A great and easy way to increase customer engagement

A great thing about the interactive media that adds to the functionality of the app is that it can increase customer engagement by obviously being interactive as well as informative, promoting a two-way communication and also by being aesthetically pleasing. Besides, your customers are more likely to appreciate services and products that they can actually engage with through mobile apps.

Reduced cost of communication

Mobile apps can be set up to communicate with subscribed customers with ease and on mass - which will save you a fortune on your communication efforts in the long run. Don’t waist time and money on text messages, phone calls, flyers, business cards and letters - these all come at a huge cost while still resulting in a delay in the communication process between you and your clients. Mobile apps are a simple solution, cost efficient, practical with huge benefits for your business.

Brand awareness and customer loyalty

The incorporation of visual elements in the design of your app will make it simple to build your company’s image into its platform. This will serve as a continuous reminder of your brand to your customers, and can promote brand loyalty through customer interactions on the app.

Now, while gaining new clients is very important, it’s also useless if you lose as many as you gain. Every business - especially a local business - that does not encourage loyalty will slowly wither and die.

Our app at AlphaApp however gives you the opportunity to use inbuilt QR code reader technology to keep track and automatically reward loyal customers. Clients accumulate reward points for visiting the business in the simplest way possible: they just scan a unique QR code each time they use your services or buy a product.

Also, to ensure loyalty information is not lost should a client change or lose the phone, your customers can sign up using Email, Password and Name and Zip code. The added benefit for your business is that, once clients register, all the other information such as Referrals and Vouchers are trackable, allowing you access to a wealth of information you can gainfully use.

Still wondering whether your business needs an app? I think it’s time you take action and boost your business with a mobile app.

If you have any questions and you’ve finally decided you want an app, contact AlphaTech and have your app in less than 24 hours. Invest in your business the smart way and get a maximum gain with minimum headache.


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